Monday, January 30, 2006

Johan & Louise, New Year's Eve 2002 at their place.

My mom and her dad at the piano.

Jill, Lotta and Steve in October 2002. We had some wine and played some tile rummy. It looks like Disney and Cayenee (the cat and dog) are also in attendance.

Here is Daniel L. looking cool.

Martina (Tobbe's girl) at their summer cottage, Midsummer 2002.

My brother and I at Lake Tahoe in March of 2002.

Daniel H. toasting on the "shrimp boat."

Here's a photo of me taking from the cupola of Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican in Rome.

Lotta laughing. This photo was taken at my 30th birthday party -- not TOO long ago!

New blog for old photos

I am starting this new web log as a place to post some older photographs without adding clutter to my existing blogs.